Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Glance At The History Object Of Borobudur Yogyakarta

  Sunday, February 14, 2016
A Glance At The History Object Of Borobudur Yogyakarta

The temple was founded in the VIII century a.d., by the Sailendras i.e. House of Mataram Kingdom. Starting during the reign of King Samaratungga, which still form the base of the building (Foundation) and diselsaikan construction pramodo Dyah whardani Goddess wife of King rakai pikatan. This temple is a temple of Buddhist-style because its founder, Buddhist. At the time of the mataram Kingdom developed two major religions, namely Buddhism and Hinduism.

When seen from the shape of the building, the Temple of borobudur is a pile of stone shaped squares that increasingly over the increasingly shrinking, with hundreds of hundred stupas and relief that adorned it.


The body of the temple consists of three main levels, namely:

1. Kamadatu (Temple),
2. The Rupadhatu (body),
3. the Arupadhatu (the Crown of the Temple).

It is adapted to the belief that the Buddhists of human life in the world is divided into 3 levels: kamadhatu means the world as now filled by lust and greed, wrath angkara rupadhatu meaning humans started to leave the worldly lust walupun sometimes still tempted, pass it means humans have reached soksa last level of perfection achieved human.

In sekililing temple we can find relief (painting timbulpaduan painting and chisel) which recounts the journey of sidharta gautama Buddha's life since he was small to be Buddha. to get the whole picture of life the Buddha we must surround the temple with the way it goes in a direction opposite to the direction the clock is started from the East side, in a ceremony called the Pradaksina.

Besides borobudur Temple lot has sculpture totalling 504 fruit filling in any recesses or stupa. Seen in passing the statue form almost the same just the position and shape of his hand a different course tailored to the direction facing the question IE: Dyani mudsa which means meditate facing towards the West, Abaya Mudsa meaning appease facing towards the North, Wara Mudsa meaning alms-giving South-facing, Bhumiparsa Mudsa which means calling the Earth as witness facing East and Dharmacakra Mudsa which means turning the wheel is at dharsa.

Borobudur temple that stands now was the result of reconstruction (restoration) which began in 1814 by Raffles and the year 1817 Hill borobudur cleared of scrub next in 1900 established a Special Committee planning the rescue of borobudur was appointed Van Erp and Engineer the Army Engineers to begin the first restoration in 1907.

Thanks to the assistance of UNESCO, borobudur can be saved and restored until 1983 was inaugurated by President Suharto.

So a brief overview about Borobudur Temple, to the full we can ask the guide and internet browser and other for example how Borobudur when there's an earthquake in Yogyakarta.

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