Sunday, February 14, 2016

History Of Yogyakarta's Malioboro Shopping Tour

  Sunday, February 14, 2016
History Of Yogyakarta's Malioboro Shopping Tour

Did not yet feel to Yogyakarta when it has not yet come to Malioboro Shopping, night view-just look at the night market atmosphere while enjoying the never forgettable, typical of traditional sustenance, t-shirts, pants, batik, etc. that we can make the gift shop back to Malioboro Street is very popular with the street vendors who peddle craft jogja and lesehan food stalls in the evening selling food as well as jogja, gudeg, famous as a gathering place for artists who often mengekpresikan their abilities such as playing music hapening, painting, art, pantomime, and others along the way. There are some historic destinations in the area include three ways Tugu, Tugu railway station, Gedung Agung, Beringharjo market, Fort Vredeburg, and Attack the moment before 1 March.

This time will discuss the history of Malioboro – in Sanskrit, the word "malioboro" meaning bouquet of flowers. It may have something to do with the past when the Palace held a big event then the malioboro Street will be filled with flowers. The word malioboro also comes from the name of a colonial United Kingdom called "Marlborough" who had stayed there in the year 1811-1816 M. establishment of malioboro Street coincides with the establishment of the Palace (the residence of the Sultan).

The initial embodiment which is part of the concept of cities in Jawa, Jalan malioboro styled as a North-South axis of the Flinders University that correlates to the Palace to the merapi volcano in the North and the South Sea as a symbol of the supernatural. In the colonial era (1800-1945) the urban pattern was disrupted by the Netherlands who built Fort Vredeburg (1790) at the southern end of Malioboro Street. In addition to building the fortress of Dutch also built the Dutch Club (1822), the Dutch Governor's Residence (1830), Java Bank and post office to maintain their dominance in Yogyakarta.

Rapid development occurred at that time caused by perdaganagan of the Netherlands by the Chinese. And also due to the Division of land in sub-segment Malioboro Street by the Sultan to the Chinese community and came to be known sebagagai district of China.

The development of the period was dominated by the Netherlands in building facilities to increase their strength and economy, such as the construction of the main station (1887) in Jalan Malioboro, which physically managed to divide the road into two parts. Meanwhile, jalan Malioboro role in the independence era (post-1945), as the people of Indonesia are struggling to defend their independence in the battle that took place along the North-South Road.

Now this is the way the largest tourist region in the Centre of Yogyakarta, with a history of Netherlands colonial architecture mixed with Chinese and contemporary commercial district. Sidewalks on both sides of the street crowded with small stalls selling a variety of merchandise. In the evening a couple of open-air restaurant, called lesehan, operate along the way. It's way over the years to become a two-way street, but in the 1980s has been one direction only, from the railway line to the South to Beringharjo market. Hotels Netherlands era is the largest and oldest of the day, Hotel Garuda, is located at the northern end of the road on the East side, adjacent to the railway line.

There is also the home of the complex of the former era of the Netherlands, the Prime Minister, the kepatihan which has now become the Office of the provincial government.

Malioboro also becomes the history of literary arts Indonesia. In the anthology of poems in Yogyakarta Indonesia 1945-2000 gave the title "MALIOBORO" for the book, a book which contains 110 poet who never lived in yogyakarta for a period of more than half a century. In the 1970s, Malioboro grew into art and cultural dynamics Center of Jogjakarta. Malioboro Street to ' stage ' for the "street artists" with its Center building Senisono. But the vitality of this street art finally stalled in the 1990s after the building closed Senisono.

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