Sunday, February 14, 2016

3 History of the Hindu-Buddhist Tourism Indonesia

  Sunday, February 14, 2016
In addition with the rich with natural beautiful bergitu, indonesia also with peningalan-peningalan its history, what more relics of the Kingdom-the Hindu-Buddhist Kingdom, is very much in fact the historical heritage, but now we will give information about the 3rd place, if you want to know more even more you can keep clay in the articles we create next.

Candi Borubudur

Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, Site of the temple is approximately 100 km to the southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the West of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta, stupa shaped Temple was established by adherents of Mahayana agamaBuddha around the year 800-an Ad during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty, Borobudur is a Buddhist shrine or temple in the world and one of the largest Buddhist monument in the world.
Wisata Sejarah Candi Borobudur

This monument is a model of the universe and was built as a shrine to venerate Buddha simultaneously serves as a place of pilgrimage to guide the human race switched from natural carnal lust towards enlightenment and wisdom in accordance the Buddha's teachings, the pilgrims enter through the East side of the base of the temple rituals begin with a walk around this sacred building in clockwise direction, while continuing to ascend to the next stair steps through the three levels of Buddhist Cosmology in the realm. The third level it is the Kāmadhātu (the world of desires), Rupadhatu (realm of intangibles), and Arupadhatu (the world of intangibles). These pilgrims Journeying through a series of hallways and stairs with stairways from 1460 panel relief etched on the walls and balustrades.

Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; every year Buddhists who came from all over Indonesia and abroad gathered at Borobudur to celebrate Vesak, Trisuci in the world of tourism, Borobudur is Indonesia's single attractions most visited by tourists.

Prambanan Temple

Wisata Sejarah Prambanan Temple

Prambanan temple or Temple of Loro Jonggrang is the largest Hindu temple compound in Indonesia which was built in the 9th century AD, the temple was dedicated to Trimurti, the three main Hindu deities namely Brahma as the creator, Vishnu as the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer as a God, based on the original name of śivagŗha this temple complex is the Siwagrha (Sanskrit meaning Home of Shiva), and indeed in the garbagriha (main hall) of the temple is the abode of Shiva Mahadeva's statue as high as three meters which shows that in this temple of the deity Shiva preferred.

Candi Muara Takus

Muara Takus temple site is a site of Buddhist temple located in the village of Muara Takus, district XIII Koto Kampar Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia, the site is located approximately 135 kilometres from the city of Pekanbaru.

Wisata Sejarah Candi Muara Takus

Muara Takus temple site is surrounded by a wall-size 74 x 74 metres, made of white stone walls with a height of CA. 80 cm, outside the arealnya there are also wall-sized land 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers, surrounding the complex sampal Kampar River to the edge of the right. In the complex there are several buildings called the temple with the Temple of old, the eldest to the youngest Temple, stupas and Palangka Edifice.

In 2009 Candi Muara Takus was nominated to become one of the UNESCO World Heritage site, come to your gembar or rather with a history in indonesia, visit immediately places, to surrounding Tour you can directly contact us

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